Veteran solon declares DOF’s CTRP as “best-studied tax reform bill”

Raw data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) showing that 27.9 percent of taxes that high-income earners should pay the government are uncollected…

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DOF cites customs brokers’ role in inclusive growth agenda

The Department of Finance (DOF) has cited the “crucial role” that customs brokers play as among the lead partners of the Duterte Administration in its campaign to lick official corruption,…

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Various groups back DOF call for lower estate tax, one-time amnesty

Various groups back DOF call for lower estate tax, one-time amnesty The National Tax Research Center (NTRC) and several other groups have expressed their support for a legislative proposal granting…

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5 MICC teams to conduct fact-finding, science-based review of DENR orders

The multi-stakeholder Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Mining Industry Coordinating Council (MICC) is forming five technical groups that will conduct an “objective, fact-finding, science-based” review of the orders issued…

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CTRP to exempt 4.6-M Filipinos from income taxation

Some 4.66 million taxpayers, or more than double the current figure of 1.8 million, will no longer pay their personal income tax (PIT) under the government’s highly progressive Comprehensive Tax…

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Hotel owners group chief backs tax reforms

The president of the largest organization of hotel and resort owners nationwide has expressed his full support for the proposed Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) as this would guarantee, he…

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ADB backs DOF’s ‘progressive’ excise tax reforms

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has expressed its support for the proposed reforms in the excise taxes of automobiles and petroleum products being pushed by the Department of Finance (DOF)…

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