Recto secures EU grant to protect Filipinos’ rights to a responsive justice system, key to achieving economic security and prosperity

Finance Secretary Ralph G. Recto has secured a grant from the European Union (EU) for a program to protect Filipinos’ rights to a responsive justice system, which is key to…

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DOF set to steer DBP towards greater financial stability as Chair of the Board, boost strength to become more responsive to Filipinos’ needs

The Department of Finance (DOF) is set to steer the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) to greater financial stability as Chairperson of the Board, boosting its strength to become…

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Recto: PH job market recorded unprecedented progress with an average unemployment rate of 3.8% in 2024—the lowest level on record; quality jobs for Filipinos on the rise

Finance Secretary Ralph G. Recto welcomed the unprecedented progress in the Philippines’ labor market in 2024, with the full-year average unemployment rate at its lowest level of 3.8% since the…

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Counsel of GOCCs defends PhilHealth’s transfer of excess funds: It is lawful, does not impair the constitutional right to health, and petitions should be dismissed by the Supreme Court

Government Corporate Counsel Solomon M. Hermosura has defended the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) transfer of its excess funds to the National Treasury, arguing that it was lawful, does not…

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SolGen defends mobilization of excess GOCC funds: A common sense approach within legal bounds to finance critical programs for Filipinos

Solicitor General Menardo I. Guevarra has defended before the Supreme Court the legality and necessity of Special Provision 1(d) of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 2024 and the Department…

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