Department of Finance to Rationalize All Issuances

Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima signed a Department Order last 19 January 2016 rationalizing all issuances (e.g., Orders, Circulars, etc.) released by the Department of Finance, including all its bureaus and attached agencies, in order to clarify, consolidate, and streamline regulations, policies, and the implementation of laws.

“We need consistency and alignment in our issuances in a modern and effective DOF. Some issuances contradict each other, or leave much room for guesswork in terms of precedence. We also need to create a inventory of all past issuances to eliminate redundancies and to simplify enforceability.” Purisima said.

The DOF, as well as its bureaus and attached agencies, are tasked to review all issuances beginning 15 February 2016 with the aim of condensing them through either amending to update or consolidating related issuances. Issuances deemed irrelevant may be repealed. Such a task must be completed on or before 29 May 2016, by a Technical Working Group composed of 1 representative from each bureau and attached agency with the rank of at least Director III (SG 27).

“I look forward to leaving behind a more coherent organization for my successor to have an easier time leading the Department of Finance,” Purisima added.