Regaining Momentum, Accelerating Recovery in a post COVID-19 World

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WATCH: Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III has underscored the need to strike a “reasonable balance between safeguarding public health and restarting the economy” as the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic and work on a quick economic recovery on the back of a healthcare system better equipped to keep community transmission of the contagion under control.

Secretary Dominguez also stressed that the government will never take the threat posed by COVID-19 pandemic lightly, as it must continue protecting lives in ways that do not prevent people from earning a living.

“This is a tough decision to make but we need to do this. Revving up the economy essentially means raising consumer and investor confidence, which requires some functional level of interaction among groups and individuals,” he said. “We are asking all Filipinos to cultivate in themselves a renewed sense of confidence through continued vigilance–not out of fear, but with the knowledge that most factors of viral transmission are under our personal control.”